Sunday, November 17, 2013

Another baby boy hihi

In the middle of the midnight and i just don't know what else to do. Ecewah, yes i can read books but i prefer to stay online for few minutes first :P After some hours feeling "tak sedap perut" "rasa nak muntah" "sakit kepala", Taraaaa akhirnya, tepat jam 2.45 pm, i vomitted. Boleh je nk tido balik, tapi tak sedap tekak so i choose to stay awake kejap. But i know this will trouble me. lol Ampun mak esok ngantuk dalam kelas. I'm Sorry Mr Lecturers. I'm sick haha okay even if i'm not sick, sometimes i do fell asleep in class. sorry :/ haha Just some few updates. So we have new baby in the family. AMAR AZMI inshaaAllah. the name is not confirmed yet but that top the list. Kena daftar esok, so i guess tomorrow we have the definite name. nak share gambar baby but but but haha jap okay i'll try despite of the kelembapan oh the internet. Actually pepagi internet laju hehehe

Hi, my name is Amar Azmi. I'm not really sure of my name but you can call me Azmi. hihi :D 

Okay goodnight ! CA 2 is in two weeks time. Not ready. Still malas but will try not to malas too much :P hihi okay night ! 


  1. Can I call him Amar pleaseeeee hehehe

  2. Can cannn memang nama dah Ammar hahaha gedikkkkk tp jangan timbulkan kontroversi ! :p
