Friday, February 28, 2014


"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world"
                                         Marilyn Monroe

"Okay I will conquer the world! Weeeee haha"

Along and kakak are not in the picture kes malas pakai tudung haha

And see how black i am?  :O itu yg tknk letak gmbr dgn adam banyak sgt hahaha jeles dgn Adam lol

Someone must be waiting for this post so eagerly. I saw 26 views by iPhone lol hahaha main je. Just a sinambungan to the last post. Haritu poslaju yg dikoyak Adam is hadiah birthday hihi Thankyou Si Pemberi Hadiah :) They are beautiful and just perfect. Nothing to be worried about okay? :) i'll take care of them perfectly. Acewah tp dah nama pun careless jenis lasak, Main suka hati je pakai apa kemana mana, so begitulah haha tp i wont lose them. That's my promise. And Thanks to everyone for the wishes. Much appreciated. :D Eh okayyy adam dah nangis banngun tido. Byeeeee!  :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Caught in action

Someone was caught in action. Jeng jeng jeng. Saya titahkan anda berhenti lol. ._. Haha comel je adam

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Surat surat cinta lol

Hahaha comelkan zaman sekolah time takda phone. I baik okay tak bawak phone hehehe so cara ni je lah utk bertanya khabar budak budak skolah lain. #dedication tapi actually ada some dah hilng. Sorry ini yang termampu kusimpan Banyak aku reply tp ada certain ckp tk dpt my reply, i'm sorry. Mmg dah hantar, confirm. Promised! Haha mostly from kawan sekolah rendah lah actually hihi tp some from kawan friendster (comelkannn? haha) and ada from kawan jumpa time camping. Tk sama group pun tp so kamceng. hantar dedication just to say goodluck spm! Terharu kejap :') haha semalam tgk gmbr hari ni tgk benda alah ni semua lol

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Project for holiday :)

Hi everyone!
Hehehe so this is my third baju kurung I jahit cewah haha jahitan masih hodoh lol Tapi boleh lah for newbie haha ehhhbelum jahit baru potong hahah kbye
