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Ammar Azmi yg macho now kurg sikit sbb kena HFMD ;P haha |
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Raya celebration at Tiara's. Thankyou for having us. :D not in thepicture : Iman Husaini. |
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We celebrated Moon cake festival this year thanks to Jia Yee, Tracy, Ke Chi and lots more :) |
The beginning of 2014, I started to grasp the way of studying of a medical student. My marks did improve but that is NOT my way of studying. I memorize from the beginning to the end of the lecture notes. But I guess that is the way of a medical student to study and score with flying colours. Right? haha mmg kena struggle menghafal. One thing I hate most. I can't even memorize a piano song that my teacher ask me to (it's only a kid song). It's not that I can't I just don't want. haha teruk kan perangai. haish. Well so this brings to my number one resolution
#1 : Cari Important Questions, understand and memorize it. AND make notes so those looks easier than the serabut lecture notes. haha (time cuti)
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This wasn't during the January Holiday. Tak igt bila around bulan sembilan hihi |
We decided to make a two-week holiday in Selangor and Malacca (My house and Dylla's as our accomodation- jimat sikit duit haha) We called this trip as #holidaywithdylsar. Eventhough I lived in Selangor, I haven't been to lots of places haha Lame me. I can't travel alone and don't like to and I have no partner in crime to travel together. So since Dylla was here in Bangi, here's an opportunity to travel the world. (Selangor je la, lulz - but really hoping one day to travel the world with loved ones) so, ktorang pi rumah 4 musim, bukit cherakah. Tapi lawak jugak our journey, I took mama's GPS and letak la nk pi mana semua, sekali dia bawak pi hutan simpan stop tepi jalan haha luls Dylla : Sara, dah sampai" Sara: "Sampai mana ni wehh, tepi highway kejadah apa GPS ni hahaha :')))" Tapi, last last jumpa lah yg betul punya haha.Then our next destination is Arts places in shah alam, seronok tangkap gambar and edit semua(Seksyen 2 tk silap ada yg baru belum pergi), well our instafamous #dyllarezan do add her in instagram :P haha She edited my picture time ktorg pi hmm damansara something shopping mall. Most likes kay time tu among other pictures on that time hihi lol Reason of going there sbb ada payung cantik cantik, but on our trip, it was quite near to Chinese New Year, so takda payung ada tanglung je. haha dissapointed sikit lah but Nasib tanglung pun cantik la jugak. haha Last destination, kakak join. pi I-City. It was my first time going there. Sad story. Tapi kak pun tak pernah pi. haha Pandai jugak diorg buat ada banyak Wax museum, lampu lampu, Trick-Art museum, Snow Walk, water themepark, astronaut apa tah. But we went only to Wax Museum, Trick-art Museum and Snow Walk. Nice jugak la tak tahu kenapa diorg tk pandai promote, cause kalau tak pi tk tahu pun ada those things. Jemput pergi. haha

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Celebrating Birthday at home. Mama and I :) |
Then coming to 26/2. What's so important of that date? Nahhh mmg tak important pun haha It's my birthday. #hadiahmana? kihkihkih I was waiting for my parcel I bought through online shop. Dah berapa hari delay tah. I was waiting eagerly and patiently. Then, kak yanti cakap, Ara ada bungkusan utk ara. I was like. "Yeayyy Baju ara dah smpai, Yeayy tak kena tipu." lol mana la tahu online shop to menipu ke kan haha When I took the parcel, eh lain nama pemberi ni..... But well the smile in my face got brighter. So arahan, wait until 26/2. Saja la nak bagi si pemberi tu risau, tak bagitahu dia dah terima parcel. Tapi si pemberi pulak tanya najwa. haha so Kantoi la sbb i cerita kat najwa. So malam tu bukak dengan excited nya to reived a pair of sneakers bunga bunga hihi Dah agak sikit dapat sneakers sbb najwa suruh ukur kaki haritu. haha Well, Najwa is his number one spy. haha Well, thankyou encik boss. Now, wearing it everyday to school. (read: university) :)
So this year we went to Sabah for the first time. Kakak, Ara and abang. We made a really drastic decision. Decision mmg dah lama tapi tak jadi jadi. So last minute esok nak pergi, ktorang beli tiket flight, cari hotel and everything haha Ktorang mmg tak plan bantai je terus pergi. next time nk pergi kena plan bebetul baru berbaloi. Dah la sepanjang trip tu I have a diarrhoea problem. haha stress betul. Mana tah dapat dari orang mana. hish. First day of the trip i slept for a while, i dreamt we wasted three days sleeping and only of the third day ktorg terbangun sedar sedar kena kejar flight. Menyesal gila dalam mimpi tu, luckily bila bangun eh it was only few hours. Fuhh lega. So our trip was to the pulau Manukan ++ ( basically all the pulau's ) Cantik air dia. Wow breathtaking scenery. Very recommended to go! Then ktorang naik Gunung Kinabalu, Panjat sampai kaki gunung around km, haha rugi kat situ lah masa memanjat, padahal bukan nk naik puncak. Then we travel to Tmpt air Panas, Stay situ quite lama. Next destination, Fish Spa, tamparuli kot? Sampai sampai dah tutup haha #$adlYf3 lol So tak sempat pi, rumah terbalik pun tak sempat and dairy farm. Orang cakap tu breathtaking looks like New Zealand scenery. Well, tak sempat pi so I need another trip to Sabah I guess. ;) hihi

Last but not least, a decision I Rarely did, I went to a someone's kenduri doa selamat. because i have very little guy friends so i rarely go out with them so yeah. Segan la i pi sorang, so i forced my bestfriends, Najwa and Raihan to tag along. Takda la force, diorg rela hati la jugak haha Sampai tu segan rasa nak balik je, "Najwa, kita pusing balik lah" hahaha Memang ada orang nk kena sepuk lah tu. Raihan balik so haritu we went to Saujana Putra and then to Putrajaya, we also got a free tol. Weeee ;) eh ke free tol to a week before haha tak ingat dah lol Nasib nampak Azam who had just arrived jugak. So ikut dia jalan sekali ke rumah. Cauk kay, I pakai dah la selekeh haha What if ? What if ? lol taknak bagitahu What if apa. Tapi okay la as i reached there, everyone's were really welcoming. :) Alhamdulillah hihi gedik, lol Tapi tak tahu nk borak apa, duk tunduk je lol lame me. hahaha Then we met again at KLIA. Time tu kurang sikit kot awkward nya. Ingat nk buat suprised sekali terkantoi jumpa dekat surau haha Bila dia takda, borak dengan dia punya siblings and sister in law. Okay la tak awkward haha sebab diorg perempuan lol. dah la segan lah nk cerita apa pun takda motif padahal. hope org tak baca sampai habis haha till hand meets keyboard, azmi dah bising haha toodles.
And many more....
Kau merepek apa haha nak emo. Youre really really really a good friend to me!!! Weh how come kau ingat every single detail haih menangis terharu serious. Looking forward to have a trip to anywhere dgn kau lagi! Muah muah love you happy new year!