26/10/2013 - Saturday - Sunway Pyramid
It happened just in a few minutes. I was just holding the phone and suddenly lesap. Magically isn't it ? It was very very sad. But luckily it was my own money so didn't feel that 'bersalah'. Cuma sedih la tak tipu, but I didn't cry okay ? hehehe Imma stong girl. Doa orang yang teraniaya akan dimakbulkan. I'm sorry pencuri but banyak benda jahat terlintas in my mind. No I'm not sorry for it. Kau bersalah, deal with it? Takda Agama ajar mencuri tu betul, boleh, dibenarkan, halal. -.- I redha with the situation cuma untuk doa bagi kebaikan untuk pencuri tu, NO. Eventhough once in a while I was hoping that day was just another nightmare haha dah lah sara. terima seadanya.
Sesungguh nya sesuatu yang kita suka tak semestinya baik untuk kita, sesungguh nya sesuatu yang kita benci, tak semestinya buruk untuk kita. Allah Maha Mengetahui.(2:216)
It was not exactly the sentence but that is the main point in the sentence. Yes, I admit with that phone, banyak jugak lalai sana sini. Niat awal beli nk senang baca benda baik di mana mana tapi tk menjadi sangat niat tu. Bila ada masa lapang, duk main candy crush je haha Not only during free time, during tak free pun. It was addicting haha.
Another thing is Husnuzon. Bersangka baik kepada Allah S.W.T.
Bila Allah tarik sesuatu daripada kita, Allah akan gantikan dengan lebih baik. We dont know what is it. Maybe Iman makin kuat, maybe result better since my result bila masuk medic ni, OMG TERUK GILA. You would not believe if I tell you. :/ haha inshaaAllah. I know Allah plan is the best plan.
ps : Nnt mara dinner ada cabutan bertuah, May Allah grant my wishes dapat cabutan bertuah phone hehehe
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