Alhamdulillah, all praised to Allah for giving me such a beautiful life. It has been a while since I am no longer as confidence as I was before. I know my confidence level dropped since the MARA announced that I couldn't fly. I always cry and cry and cry. Even after years, sometimes i'm still crying over the same reason. Lol my father once said " Ara dah tk macam dulu, dulu ara kuat, buat lah pape, jangan harap ara nangis, mesti selalu lawan sapa yg kacau, but now.. nangis je keje" Yes I do admit saya mmg macam tu. But I am so lucky to have someone that i can trust utk nangis, untuk mengada yang sentiasa tak give up Walaupun i can be such a pain in the ass, tiba tiba sensitive semacam takda reason, tetiba happy pulak smpai jd awkward budak ni sedih ke happy. Tetiba random experiment to make sure things that i doubt out of the blue, balik penat penat drive kena layan pulak orang ni terasa lol yes I know i am mengada hihi Thankyou 😊 At times, I felt so regret for taking this journey, if only i choose something else i wouldn't have to be this sad. But then i met all of them, they gave me strength to survive this medical journey. To survive getting an F lol So in every clouds, there is a silver lining. I guess this is mine. I have them in my life. Thankyou kawan kawan 😊😋 Am officially twenty and that marks my maturity. Cewah tipu je. Haha inshaaAllah saya akan makin terima sikit demi sikit.
Ps: saya igt nk upload video kt insta tapi tak reti nk edit cantik cantik haha am still a newbie.
Ps: For those SPM leavers yang baru dpt result and result tu kurang memuaskan. Don't worry too much. It's not the end. I got an 8A+ and 1A and i didn't get what i want. The attitude towards the result, how you deal with it, how you plan your road is what matters. I realised I was a bit overconfident with my results so I took things for Granted. So make a plan, inshaaAllah whatever your results are, you'll get what you want at the end. As long as you keep the effort going.